
The Long Game is a website for people that want to grow and challenge themselves. It is about the drive to better ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually while having the curiosity to enjoy the journey. I will include articles, podcast, videos, and blogs on a variety of topics ranging from psychology, fitness, meditation, and nutrition.

How to Finish 2020 on a High Note

How to Finish 2020 on a High Note

Heading into Labor Day, it is time to start planning for the final four months of the year. Are you where you expected to be when the year started? What do you need to do to get closer to your goals? While this year is drastically different than past years and we’ve all been dealt a crazy hand, it is still a good time to evaluate what you’ve accomplished and to start planning for the future. Even with the pandemic, there is no reason to let the year pass you by if you haven’t lived up to your own expectations. Three areas that are worth evaluating are your health, relationships and career.


When I look at our overall health, I consider nutrition, exercise, mental and spiritual. I shoot for 80% compliance with my clients’ goals in each of these.

In regards to nutrition, ask yourself questions such as: Am I eating enough greens? How do I feel after a meal? How much alcohol am I drinking? This pandemic has been a struggle for most people on this front. Alcohol consumption increased along with taking in more unhealthy and processed foods. If this is something you struggle with, I challenge you to track your food for the next month to see where you are going off course. You can use apps such as MyFitnessPal to help track all of your meals, water and alcohol intake

In regards to exercise, did you fall out of your typical routine and struggle to get back into it? Gyms are opening up all over the country and now is a great time to get back in there. If you’re not comfortable going back to a gym, you can always hire a coach to help you with an individualized program online or in person. If that is too much for you, start taking daily walks. The key is to get moving!

For me, the mental and spiritual aspects are almost one and the same. The last six months were incredibly difficult around the world with the pandemic, quarantines and riots. Our collective mental health is suffering a large blow and I worry this could be the biggest long term problem from all of this. If you are struggling, please talk to someone such as a therapist, a coach or friend. Breathwork is also extremely beneficial right now. It is one of the few tools we were given to change our mental and physical state from within. You just have to learn how to use it. This is also a perfect time to begin a journaling practice. This allows you to get everything out of your head and onto paper. It allows you to dissect your self-talk and turn yourself from a victim to the hero of your own story.


How do you want to show up in your relationships? Are you present when you are with your loved ones or disconnected? Do you have people that can turn to you in times of need and you to them? Cultivate the close relationships in your life and enjoy the journey together. If you find yourself on your phone when you are with family and friends, create boundaries such as no phone at the dinner table or after certain times at night. Our time on this planet is short. Be where your feet are and focus on those in your life that truly matter.


Everyone’s careers were somewhat turned upside down this year. Many people lost their jobs or were furloughed and businesses are realizing that virtual workplaces may be the way of the future. Are you able to change with the times? Are you fulfilled in what you are doing? As someone that changed careers three years ago from the investment world to the coaching world, I know what it is like to feel stuck. If you want to change you can. It won’t be easy and it still isn’t for me but it’s been well worth it. Now is the perfect time to take the leap and find something new. It’s not for everyone, it is a decision we must all make. Your time is now if you’re looking to change.

With these last few months of 2020, take a look at where you are in the important areas of your life. It’s never too late to change direction. The first step is figuring out where you want to go. While these areas are not exhaustive, they are a good place to start.

Call to Action

At Symmetry, we help busy people take back control of their lives so they have more time, more energy, and less stress! If you’re ready to take back control of your life, set-up a FREE 15-minute call today!  We develop individualized lifestyle plans after assessing your breathing patterns, stress levels, fitness, and goals.  We are currently offering virtual breath classes to help you begin to experience the benefits of the breath. You can access our schedule here. Our programs will improve your mindset, your performance, and give you tools to better handle the stresses of everyday life.  Check out our website to find out more information.

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